Play and meet Google Voice Assistant
Google Assistant now speaks Polish. You can check it with the new edition of the "180 words” word game. Play and learn the nature of the Polish Assistant.
How to play? Just grab your smartphone, launch Google Assistant and say "180 słów” [180 words] or "Porozmawiaj z 180 słów” [Talk to 180 words].
The assistant will say hello and you will be able to start the game saying “Nowa gra” [New game] or learning the rules of the game saying “Zasady gry” [Game rules].
At the bottom of the screen you always have suggestions for commands that you can use to talk to the Assistant.
Course of the Game: The assistant says the first word and ... You answer with the word on the last letter of the Assistant’s word. The assistant responds according to the same principle. Who will last longer?Summarizing there are 3 rules of the game:
1. You have 20 seconds to answer and this time is reduced during the next turns of the game.
2. Words cannot be repeated in one game.
3. In the game you cannot use words ending with the letters: ń, ą, ę, y. For a simple reason, there are no Polish words that starts with them.
And the longer the verbal skirmish with the assistant, the higher the ranking position. We keep our fingers crossed and good luck.
Read more on the app’s website or play 180 words.
- Google Assistant is a voice service that is available to Android users as well as through the "Assistant" application in the Apple Store for iPhone and iPad owners. More information about the service on Google websites.

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